Group overview
Group overview
company culture
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Nanjing Daji Group is an enterprise with a diversified industrial structure, located in Qiaolin Industrial Concentration Zone, Pukou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. At present, Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nanjing Daji Garden Engineering Company, Nanjing Daji Hot Spring Resort, Nanjing Daji Spring Water Beverage Co., Ltd., Nanjing Daji Real Estate Development Company and other member enterprises. The group's industries include tower manufacturing, garden engineering, tourism services, real estate development, etc.

In accordance with the strategy of diversified management and all-round development, Daji Group focuses on the development of the industrial section with tower manufacturing as the main body and the service sector with tourism real estate as the main body. Among them, the tower manufacturing industry has a 45-year production history, and has provided tower products for more than 200 important transmission projects of China State Grid Corporation and China Southern Power Grid Corporation.

Development history
293ten thousand m²
Covering the area
Cooperative countries

Daji Group has a history of 45 years, and its companies cover a total area of more than 2.93 million square meters. Tower products are exported to more than 60 partner countries, with more than 2,000 employees, and are moving forward steadily in accordance with the strategy of diversified operation and all-round development.