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20.DAJI Successfully Passed the Acceptance of State Electricity Grid Material Company's Intelligent Cloud Supervision and Manufacturing EIP Platform

From October 7 to 8, experts from the project team of State Electricity Grid Material Company went to DAJI to carry out the acceptance of the tower category of the EIP platform for intelligent cloud supervision and manufacturing, and carried out a comprehensive and detailed inspection and assessment of DAJI in terms of intelligent equipment, system data accuracy and timeliness, quality of raw materials, and the environment of the machine room. DAJI responded positively and cooperated highly during the whole acceptance process, showing a good spirit.


Since the launch of State Electricity Grid Material Company's Intelligent Cloud Supervision EIP platform, DAJI has been actively participating in it, fully cooperating with State Electricity Grid to carry out the work of the Intelligent Cloud Supervision project, and has set up a specialized team within the company to be responsible for the promotion and implementation of the project to ensure that all the work can be carried out smoothly.

The company attaches great importance to this acceptance work. After receiving the acceptance notice, the company immediately organized relevant personnel, made detailed understanding and preparation for the acceptance process, and fully and actively cooperated with the acceptance team.

The acceptance expert team of State Electricity Grid Material Company carried out strict inspection and testing on the intelligentized equipment used by DAJI. The company's intelligent equipment not only realizes real-time monitoring and fault early warning of the tower processing process, but also can be remotely controlled and analyzed by means of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and data analysis. The test results show that the intelligent equipment used by the company has high stability and reliability, and meets the requirements of the State Electricity Grid project.

The acceptance expert team conducted a comprehensive verification of the company's intelligent cloud monitoring tower category monitoring data. The content covered real-time monitoring data of tower parameters, records of data analysis and prediction results as well as analysis reports, and in-depth assessment of data analysis methods and models used by the company, which verified the data accuracy and reliability.

Raw material quality acceptance is also one of the important parts of this acceptance work. Raw material is a key component of the intelligent cloud monitoring tower category, and its quality directly affects the performance and quality of the product. In terms of steel selection, the company uses high-quality steel that meets the strength and stability requirements of the national grid project. Meanwhile, the company's advanced galvanization process can effectively extend the service life of the products. The team of acceptance experts conducted strict inspection and testing on the raw materials used by DAJI. After rigorous testing and evaluation, the raw materials used by the company possess high quality and reliability, and meet the relevant requirements of the National Grid.

The acceptance of server room environment is another important part of this acceptance work. The informationization server room is the core facility of intelligent cloud monitoring. Its security and stability directly affect the operation effect of the whole system. DAJI's informatization machine room adopts advanced informatization technology and equipment to realize real-time monitoring and data analysis of various parameters of the tower. In terms of hardware facilities, high-performance servers, storage devices and network equipment are adopted to meet the needs of large-scale data processing and analysis. Meanwhile, the server room is also equipped with advanced fire protection system, air conditioning system, UPS power supply, etc. to effectively guarantee the safety and stable operation of the server room. In terms of software system, it adopts mature database system and data analysis software to realize real-time monitoring and data analysis of various parameters of the tower. In terms of network security, the company adopts advanced network security equipment and software to realize comprehensive protection and monitoring of the system, and the server room is equipped with professional network security personnel to handle and respond to network security events in a timely manner. After strict evaluation by the expert team, the informationization server room of DAJI has high security and stability, and meets the requirements of the State Electricity Grid project for informationization server rooms.

The successful completion of the acceptance work benefited from the joint efforts and active cooperation of all the staff of the company, as well as the professional guidance and strict control of the project team of the State Electricity Grid Material Company.

DAJI said that it will actively cooperate with the State Electricity Grid to carry out the relevant work, continuously improve the quality of its products and services, and make greater contributions to the development of the Intelligent Cloud Supervisory Tower category of the State Electricity Grid. At the same time, the company will also actively explore new market opportunities to promote the sustainable development of the company's business. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, a brighter future will be ushered in the field of intelligent cloud monitoring towers.