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The company held a seminar on galvanising process technology

Recently, DAJI invited experts in the field of galvanising to the company for technical exchanges and guidance. Yu Zhongxiu, deputy general manager of DAJI, and Wang Qiang, production director of DAJI, attended the meeting, and relevant personnel from DAJI's relevant departments and workshops participated in the meeting.

The guiding experts and their entourage first went to DAJI galvanising workshop to watch the galvanising production site and understand the galvanising related process of the company. Afterwards, the two sides held a technical consultation seminar in the conference room on the fifth floor of the company.

At the seminar, Yu Zhongxiu, deputy general manager, welcomed the experts and pointed out the company's needs in galvanising process. Zheng Zhijun, director of galvanising workshop of DAJI Company, reported the energy consumption of galvanising in zinc ingot, natural gas and electricity in the past three years, and both sides carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions on the specifics of the company's galvanising process. The guiding experts gave professional guidance and suggestions on the shortcomings of the current galvanising process, and also answered the questions that the company's relevant personnel encountered in the actual production.

Yu Zhongxiu, vice general manager, pointed out that the galvanising process is the most important part of the company's process management, and that the galvanising workshop, process department and relevant departments must pay great attention to it. Mr Yu asked, process department managers to strengthen learning, strengthen their own capacity building, and constantly strengthen the process management work. The process department and workshop should work together to update the development of galvanising process operating procedures and operational guidance documents, standardised guidance for galvanising work to ensure product quality, promote efficiency, reduce various types of consumption, and lay a solid foundation for the company's high-quality development.