Company Charity
Company Charity
Company Charity
Following the national strategy closely

The company attaches great importance to environmental protection work, actively carries out energy-saving and emission reduction activities, and prioritizes the construction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly enterprises. It adopts advanced environmental management systems, improves a series of environmental management systems, and strives to achieve harmonious coexistence between the enterprise and nature. Deepen technological transformation, promote structural optimization and upgrading, proactively eliminate outdated products and processes with high energy consumption, and research and develop new products and processes for energy conservation and emission reduction.

Service development

Daji has established a dedicated R&D department, which has been engaged in the development of new standards and businesses for many years, constantly developing new products.

Cultivate talents

The company has established a sound human resource management system, a comprehensive salary and benefits system, and provides employees with a safe and comfortable working environment. It pays attention to the physical and mental health of employees, arranges annual physical examinations, organizes discussions and cultural evenings with employees, showcases their talents, enriches their leisure life, and provides good training and promotion channels for employees.

Protecting employee rights and interests

The company pursues coordinated development between the enterprise, employees, society, and nature in practice, repays society with practical actions, creates a harmonious environment for enterprise development, and practices social responsibility.

Serve the society

Daji Group has always been passionate about public welfare and has incorporated feedback to society into its corporate culture. From the chairman and CEO of the company to ordinary employees, they actively participate in social welfare activities. Solved the employment of many surplus rural labor and landless farmers, resettled more than 2000 migrant workers, and made contributions to stabilizing society and creating a harmonious society.

Responsibility outlook

Daji Group attaches great importance to fulfilling corporate social responsibility, effectively coordinating economic and social benefits, short-term and long-term interests, and self-development with social development, striving to achieve healthy and harmonious development between the enterprise and employees, as well as between the enterprise and society. For a long time, safety production, product and service quality have been emphasized.