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The Party Committee of DAJI Company was invited to attend the launch ceremony of the "Going Abroad" Enterprise Party Building Alliance in Nanjing

On August 22, the establishment ceremony of Nanjing "going abroad" enterprise Party building alliance was held in Nanjing. As an important "going abroad" enterprise in Nanjing, the Party committee of the company was invited to join the alliance and attend the launching ceremony as members of the organization.

Learned, "going abroad" enterprise party alliance is in order to promote the high level of opening to the outside world, maintain Nanjing domain "going abroad" enterprises outside, build all kinds of "going abroad" interactive platform, aims to normalized organization, resource sharing, market development activities, better for "going abroad" enterprise provide policy guidance and foreign services.

At the launching ceremony, Jin Shangjun, Party member and deputy director of Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office, and Zhang Bin, member of the Party Group, deputy director and second-level inspector of Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office, delivered speeches respectively; Xia Yan, Party member and deputy director of Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office, introduced APEC business travel card; representatives of alliance members made speeches. Subsequently, the participants witnessed the establishment of Party building alliance of the "going abroad" enterprise.

During the meeting, they also watched short videos of overseas consular protection, and held special tutorial lectures.