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Pragmatism and Dutifulness, Practising and Achieving Excellence, Maintaining an Enthusiastic Attitude--Group General Manager's Office (Expanded) Meeting Successfully Held

In order to seriously sum up the work in the first quarter of 2013 and deploy the key work in the next stage, the Group General Manager's Office (enlarged) meeting was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the headquarters on 6 April. Chairman Liu Yi attended the meeting and made an important speech, the group's relevant functional department heads, the main person in charge of the companies belonging to the industry and members of the general manager's office of the DAJI company attended the meeting.

At the meeting, real estate, spring water, gardening, hot spring resorts and other industrial companies to report on the completion of the first quarter and the next step of the work plan, DAJI Finance Department and the system office of the company's first quarter analysis of the DAJI business situation, Chairman Liu Yi, combined with the actual work of the company, the work of the departments of the report on the comments made one by one.

The meeting held that the first quarter of the Group's work in an orderly manner, stable and good, but the completion of the first quarter revenue and profit with the same period last year and the annual target than there is still a gap between the Group up and down the group should be further invigorated, pressurised to press on, to be more determined confidence, more powerful initiatives, more solid style, high standards, fast-paced to promote the next stage of the work to ensure that by the end of the second quarter of the various jobs "surpassing the double".

The significance of performance for the development of enterprises; The key is to make adjustments in two aspects. Firstly, we must resolutely eliminate the lazy mentality of "waiting and relying on demand" in our thinking. The market runs out/is worked/done, not just waiting for the wind in the office; Performance is achieved, not by relying on big trees for shade, relying on internal digestion within the group; Resources are excavated, not intended to come; The second is to break away from "supremacy" and use data and performance to measure ability and value.

*Afterwards, Chairman Liu Yi stressed that, as the main battlefield, main force and main engine to undertake the group's internationalisation strategy, DAJI should take the state of mind of "the opening is a decisive battle, the start is a sprint", focus on the annual target without letting go, seize all the market opportunities, actively upgrade and transform the production line, and comprehensively improve the level of information technology, and strive to create a new situation of internationalisation work. Strive to create a new situation of internationalisation work, and turn the "strategic blueprint" into the "real picture".

The meeting also studied other work.