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2022 Social Responsibility Report of Nanjing Daji Steel Tower Manufacturing Company Limited



Nanjing Daji Steel Tower Manufacturing Company Limited


2022 Social Responsibility Report


Nanjing Daji Steel Tower Manufacturing Company Limited


March 2023












2022 Social Responsibility Report of Nanjing Daji Steel Tower Manufacturing Company Limited

Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is mainly committed to the general contracting and tower sales of international power transmission and distribution projects. It has direct control and implementation capabilities in various important aspects such as international project market expansion, international project management, power engineering design, international logistics, civil construction, mechanical and electrical installation and commissioning, operation management and maintenance, and provides electrical solutions according to customer needs, Capable of providing specialized international trade services. The company relies on the strong advantages of the group company in terms of funds, technology, talent, brand, etc., and is committed to exploring the international market.

Tower manufacturing began in 1972 and is one of the earliest domestic enterprises to obtain national production qualifications. In the international market, DAJI Tower is exported to more than 60 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. With years of production experience, a high-quality workforce, advanced production equipment, strong production capacity, and dedication to providing customers with

Reliable products and high-quality services.

The company follows the principle of coordinated development between economic growth and environmental protection, maintains sustained and stable economic benefits, and deeply carries out energy conservation and emission reduction work, assumes environmental protection responsibilities, expands business opportunities through public welfare innovation, and practices social responsibility.

1Fulfilling social responsibilities

1. Scientific development

"Harmonious development, scientific development, innovative development, and sustainable development" is the development strategy of Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd., committed to building an environmentally friendly enterprise. While safeguarding the interests of shareholders, it has always actively worked with stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, banks and other creditors, and the community to promote the company's sustainable and healthy development.

The quality policy of Nanjing Daji Iron Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is to strive for survival and development through quality, and continuously meet new customer requirements. By strengthening product quality management, strictly implementing production processes, and implementing a quality management system, the company has continuously improved product quality and met customer needs.

2. Harmonious labor relations










The company adheres to people-oriented principles, strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations such as the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law, respects and safeguards the personal rights and interests of employees, pays close attention to their health, safety, and satisfaction, and attaches great importance to talent cultivation,

To achieve mutual growth between employees and the enterprise, and continuously benefit all employees with the development achievements of the enterprise. In terms of protecting the occupational health of employees, the company conducts pre employment, on-the-job, and post employment physical examinations for employees in accordance with the regulations of the occupational health system, and organizes an annual physical examination once a year to establish a medical examination file for each employee, in order to care for the physical and mental health of all employees. According to the policy of "safety first, prevention first, and comprehensive management", the company attaches great importance to safety production, organizes employee vocational skills training, strengthens employee safety awareness, transforms "I want safety" into "I want safety", continuously improves safety organizational structure, and implements management measures.

3. Environmental protection and conservation

The company conscientiously implements national and local laws and regulations on environmental protection, and regularly carries out environmental hazard investigation and rectification work. Enterprises are the "cells" of society, and harmonious development between enterprises and society is a prerequisite for sustainable development. The company has always believed that environmental protection is a fundamental social responsibility of enterprises and a fundamental prerequisite for their sustainable development, growth, and strength. In the short term, investment in environmental protection increases costs, but in terms of the cost of pollution control, investment in daily life is the most economical and beneficial to the long-term healthy development of the company. The current investment in environmental protection is a pressure on enterprises, but at the same time, it is also their soft power, which will transform into their hard power for competition in the future. As a responsible company, we should create a good working environment for employees, a good living environment for residents, and more importantly, a good living environment for future generations.

2Construction and implementation of safety production management system

1. Construction of safety production system and management measures

The company has, in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, and normative documents such as the Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China and the Jiangsu Provincial Safety Production Regulations, addressed the actual needs of safety production work, Established systems including the Safety Production Responsibility System, Safety Production Meeting Management System, Safety Cost Investment Guarantee System, Safety Rewards and Punishments System, Safety Education and Training System, Special Operations Personnel Safety Management System, Limited Space Operations Management System, Safety Risk Identification and Grading Control System, Hazard Investigation and Governance System, Special Equipment Management System, and Safety Production Change Management System A complete set of sound safety production management regulations and operating procedures, including the Equipment and Facility Safety Management System, Fire and Explosion Prevention Management System, Hazardous Chemical Management System, Personal Protective Equipment Management System, Occupational Safety and Health System, and Work Injury Accident Management System, are regularly supplemented and improved.











The rules and regulations for safety production management mentioned above were drafted by the company's safety and environmental protection department and other specific responsible departments, and a review meeting was held to reach a consensus, which was ultimately issued by the general manager.

2. Implementation of safety production system and management measures

The company mainly implements safety production systems and management measures from the following aspects:

Implement the main safety responsibility and achieve safety management for all personnel. According to the policy of "managing production must manage safety, and managing business must manage safety", the company has established and improved a comprehensive safety production responsibility system for all employees, clarified job safety production responsibilities, implemented dual responsibilities for one position, assessed and managed the safety work of each production department on a monthly basis, supervised and inspected the implementation of safety main responsibilities of each department, and urged each department to carry out safety management work in a timely and effective manner.

(2) Promote standardization of safety production and establish a long-term mechanism for safety management. In daily safety management, the company strictly follows the requirements of safety standardization elements, implements and carries out safety management work. The Safety and Environment Department regularly supervises and inspects the progress of safety standardization work in each department, continuously improving the safety management level of each department. In daily safety management, it learns and draws on excellent enterprise management models and ideas in domestic and foreign safety management, continuously optimizing and improving the company's safety management system, Realize continuous safety production.

(3) Carry out safety education and training to enhance employee safety awareness. Develop an annual safety education and training plan, strictly implement three-level safety education and training for new employees, and only those who pass the assessment can start working. Organize regular safety re education and training every month, and provide safety knowledge training for frontline employees to enable them to master safety knowledge and accident prevention knowledge, improve their safety literacy, reduce the occurrence of violations, and thus reduce the probability of accidents. The main person in charge, safety management personnel, special operation personnel, and special equipment operators shall participate in the certification and review training of the training institution on time, and all personnel shall be certified for work.

(4) Strengthen equipment maintenance and upkeep to ensure the essential safety of the equipment. In order to ensure the normal and safe use of equipment, the company has established an equipment management department to supervise the daily use management and regular maintenance of equipment. Job operators conduct daily safety inspections of equipment to promptly identify and eliminate safety hazards, and prevent equipment from operating with defects.








Equipment maintenance personnel regularly maintain and repair equipment to reduce the rate of sudden failures, improve the safety performance of equipment, and regularly inspect special equipment and its safety accessories to ensure the safety of special equipment.

(5) Strengthen the supervision and management of special operations. All personnel involved in special operations are licensed to work, and the operation adopts a permit approval system. Before the operation, special operation tickets are obtained, the safety conditions of special operations are confirmed, the safety responsibilities of relevant responsible persons are clarified, and the special operation process is supervised. In accordance with the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Limited Spaces in the Industry and Trade Industry", the company identifies limited spaces and establishes a limited space management ledger, Warning signs have been set up in limited space areas, and entry into work strictly follows the approval and permission system. Unauthorized entry is strictly prohibited. Safety control measures are implemented during the work process to resolutely prevent accidents in limited space.

(6) Establish a dual prevention mechanism for safety risk control and hazard rectification. The company has established a safety production management organization led by the main person in charge of the company, continuously strengthening the implementation of the safety production responsibility system, supervising the establishment and improvement of various safety production management systems and operating procedures: regularly organizing safety risk identification, continuously strengthening hierarchical control mechanisms, improving risk response capabilities, continuously strengthening the investigation and treatment of production safety accident hazards, timely eliminating accident hazards, and ensuring that the safety production alarm bell rings. The company divides production hazards into two categories based on the degree of danger and the degree of harm caused by the consequences. The implementation of hazard rectification requires the "five fixed" principles of determining the person responsible for rectification, the source of funds, the standards for rectification, the measures for rectification, and the completion deadline. The company comprehensively implements hazard investigation and control work, and carries out hazard investigation and control in various forms such as daily inspections, regular inspections, and special inspections, Timely summarize the problems and hidden dangers identified through rectification, in order to carry out risk management more scientifically, normatively, and efficiently.

(7) Establish an accident emergency system and conduct drills on accident emergency plans. In response to potential emergencies, the company continuously improves its emergency management mechanism, develops a safety production emergency plan system, and conducts periodic safety emergency plan drills in daily production to enhance the practical ability of employees, quickly and effectively control and dispose of potential accidents, and protect the personal safety of employees and company property.

(8) According to relevant laws and regulations such as the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Work Safety Regulations of Jiangsu Province, the company has established a Work Safety Management Committee, composed of the Chairman, Vice General Manager, and department heads, to comprehensively lead the company's work on work safety. The company has established a work safety management organization and is equipped with full-time work safety management personnel. The work safety management organization has relatively independent functions, There are 5 full-time safety production management personnel, all of whom have obtained safety management personnel qualification certificates and are equipped with 1 registered safety engineer, responsible for the specific implementation of the company's safety management work.











In order to enhance the overall safety management capability of the company, all workshop team leaders and above management cadres have also obtained safety management personnel certificates.


During the reporting period, the company did not experience any safety production accidents and passed all safety inspections by the local emergency management department. There were no penalties imposed by the local regulatory authorities for safety production issues, and there were no safety production hazards.


In summary, the company's safety production system and management measures are effective and can be effectively implemented without any safety hazards.




Nanjing Daji Steel Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd


March 5, 2023